Hey there, it’s Rina Makhdoom! Today, I want to share some valuable insights about success as a system. Just like a recipe, success follows a specific formula that yields consistent results. Let’s dive into it:

I want to start by sharing the story of Orrin Hudson, an inner-city youth who discovered the game of chess as a way to avoid trouble after school. Through his dedication and passion, he not only became a skilled chess player but also achieved remarkable success, even gracing the cover of Time magazine. Orrin Hudson once said, “Success is like a combination lock,” and most of us only have a few numbers of the combination. However, when we have all the numbers, the lock opens effortlessly. Success is not determined by gender, wealth, race, or religion. It’s about having the right combination of principles to unlock our true potential, regardless of who we are or what we do.

Now, let’s explore how you can discover your unique gifts and talents. Vision mapping is an excellent tool for self-discovery. By identifying the things that make you unique, embracing your challenges and quirks, and reflecting on what brings you happiness, you can uncover your true passions and strengths. Remember, the world needs individuals with diverse talents, and by acknowledging and nurturing your unique gifts, you can make a significant impact.

Sometimes, we tend to compare ourselves to others and undervalue our own gifts. I used to compare myself to socially adept and popular individuals, overlooking my amazing analytical and problem-solving skills. But I realized that my strengths lie in the realm of science, brain research, and mathematics. Embracing our own strengths and understanding their value is essential for unlocking our true potential.

Moving forward, let’s address the importance of having a supportive partner or spouse. For women, it’s crucial to have our own plan for success and not rely solely on finding a knight in shining armor. As the saying goes, “A man is not a plan.” Having a supportive partner who believes in us, pushes us to greatness, and sees our true potential is invaluable. If we don’t have that support, it’s essential to reflect on why we’re allowing ourselves to be around someone who doesn’t see our greatness and take the necessary steps to change our environment.

Taking a hundred percent responsibility for our lives is a vital principle of success, as shared by Jack Canfield. Regardless of the events that occur, it’s our response that ultimately determines the outcome. The formula E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) highlights the significance of our reactions in shaping our lives. Blaming and complaining take away our power, while taking responsibility empowers us to actively make positive changes.

It’s important to remember not to take things too personally. When others say hurtful things or try to bring us down, it’s often a reflection of their own insecurities. We shouldn’t let their words affect us or engage in unnecessary conflicts. Instead, we should focus on building a strong sense of self-love and surrounding ourselves with supportive people who uplift and inspire us.

As a female engineer, I’ve faced situations where assertiveness or deviating from corporate norms resulted in negative labels. It’s important to understand that these labels are attempts to control us. We must stay true to ourselves, maintain our own sense of control, and not let others’ opinions define our worth.

I wish you all the success on your journey of growth. To support your personal development, I’ve created a free self-love guide with various quizzes. Simply scan the QR code to get your hands on this valuable resource. Remember, success is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery. Every day presents new opportunities for us to learn, evolve, and create the life we desire.

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