“Hello, everyone! This is Rina Makhdoom, your guide to empowering women from within to achieve their dreams and goals. Today, I am thrilled to have the incredible Jody Jones joining me. Jody has a remarkable talent for building businesses from scratch, and she’s here to share her top trade secrets with all of us. One of Jody’s specialties is organization, so let’s dive in and find out her preferred tool for staying organized. Welcome, Jody!”

“Thank you, Rina! The tool I use and highly recommend is Trello. What’s great about Trello is that it’s incredibly easy to use, and the best part is, it’s free for everyone. You just need an email address to sign up. With so many day planners and Google calendars out there, you might wonder why choose Trello. Well, Trello allows you to create systems that can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be. Whether it’s organizing your daily tasks, personal life, or even managing your business-related files and tax planning, Trello has got you covered. It provides simplicity and flexibility in building systems tailored to your specific needs.”

“I completely understand the struggle of searching for something on your computer and not being able to find it. Jody, have you ever had that ‘thank God I’m organized’ moment with Trello?”

“Oh, absolutely, Rina! I can completely relate to that feeling. In the past, my digital files were a mess, and even my URLs and websites were all over the place. But once I started using Trello, it transformed my organizational chaos into streamlined efficiency. Now, when I need to handle impounded cars for my towing company, for example, instead of my workers having to travel back and forth to the office and deal with paperwork, they can simply take a photo of the impounded car using Trello on their phones. The photo automatically loads onto the Trello card, and I can process the paperwork right away in my home office. It saves time, fuel, and makes the entire process seamless.”

“That’s truly amazing, Jody! So, Trello essentially eliminates the back-and-forth and automates the entire workflow. It’s like giving a new lease of life to your company, right?”

“Exactly, Rina! Trello has transformed how we handle projects and collaborate. It’s not just limited to event planning or daily calendars; it’s a comprehensive project management and communication system. You can create private boards for yourself or invite team members to collaborate. It helps with meetings, storage, and getting things done in a fraction of the time. It’s a game-changer.”

“That’s fantastic, Jody! Now, let’s talk about the brain dump feature. Could you tell us how it came about and what benefits it brings?”

“Absolutely, Rina. The brain dump feature in Trello is incredibly helpful for organizing our thoughts and ideas. Often, we have so many notes, sticky notes, and random pieces of paper scattered everywhere. With a Trello board dedicated to brain dumps, you can take photos of all those little messages and categorize them right away. When you need to find a specific note or idea, it’s all there at your fingertips, and you can finally say goodbye to the clutter and mess. It’s a huge relief and a massive time-saver.”

“That’s such a brilliant way to keep all your ideas in one place, Jody. And I can definitely see how it’s helpful for capturing thoughts on the go. Now, for those who might be overwhelmed with organizing their lives, where would you suggest they start?”

“Great question, Rina. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to begin, I recommend starting with your day planner. Find a planner that resonates with you, something that’s fun and visually appealing. Your day planner can serve as the starting point for organizing your daily calendars and notes. Take a little time each day to jot down your thoughts and organize them later. I personally love using my favorite planner, which even has a dedicated column for brain dumps. It’s cute, functional, and allows me to capture my ideas effortlessly.”

“Thank you for that valuable tip, Jody. Starting with a day planner sounds like a practical and enjoyable way to kickstart the organizing process. Before we wrap up, is there something you’d like to share, Jody, about the benefits of mastering organization?”

“Absolutely, Rina. One of the key benefits of mastering organization is that it prevents things from slipping through the cracks. As a busy business owner, it’s easy to lose track of important details like receipts, contacts, or even questions for upcoming meetings. Trello helps you keep everything in order and easily accessible. For example, when it’s time to do your taxes, all the necessary documents are neatly organized on your tax board. It’s a game-changer and makes life so much easier.”

“Thank you for sharing that, Jody. Your expertise in organization is truly inspiring. And thank you to everyone for tuning in. If you enjoyed this video and want more empowering content, make sure to subscribe. Don’t forget to click the link below for our free create your dream life journal. Thank you, Jody, once again. You’re absolutely awesome!”

“Thank you so much, Rina! It’s been a pleasure sharing my insights with everyone. Stay organized and keep achieving your dreams. You’ve got this!”

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