Hey, it’s Rina, and today we’re going to delve into the perils of not living your passion. What happens when we find ourselves stuck in pursuits that don’t ignite our inner fire? Let me tell you, I’ve been through a myriad of jobs solely for financial reasons, without truly caring about the outcome. Whether it was navigating the intricate world of office politics or jumping through hoops as an engineer, it left me feeling empty inside. Let’s explore the signs that indicate you’re not living your passion.

First and foremost, a lack of motivation is a clear indicator. If you find yourself trying to hype yourself up each morning to tackle a task, questioning why life feels so arduous, it’s a red flag that you’re not operating within your passion zone. Let me share a personal anecdote to illustrate this. Whenever I embark on a vacation, my excitement is palpable. Whether it’s a cruise with a new island to explore each day or an adventure-filled getaway, I wake up at 6 a.m., eager to seize the day. But why couldn’t I muster the same enthusiasm for my day job? The stark difference highlighted that I wasn’t aligned with my true passion.

Next, let’s talk about fulfillment. When we engage in something that doesn’t resonate with our core desires, we often feel an empty void inside. Desperate to fill that emptiness, we may turn to external sources like overindulging in food or spending time with people who don’t truly value us. It’s like searching for sustenance in all the wrong places. Just as hunger drives us to consume junk food, emotional hunger leads us to surround ourselves with unhealthy influences and indulge in mindless distractions. If you experience that lump in your throat or pit in your stomach, it’s a clear sign that you’re engaged in something that fails to fulfill you. And my advice? Don’t do it. Trust your intuition.

Now, let’s address stress. When you’re living outside your passion, stress becomes a constant companion. Sleep becomes elusive, exercise takes a backseat, and you’re constantly sacrificing your well-being to meet external demands. I’ve been there, spinning my wheels, pushing myself to the brink of burnout, all for the sake of chasing something that didn’t align with my true passion. But let me tell you, when you discover and pursue your passion, everything becomes easier. You’ll find that friends reach out to you, relationships flourish, and life feels more vibrant. As a mompreneur, it’s crucial to show your children how to live a fulfilling life, free from unnecessary stress and unfulfilled goals. Surround yourself with people who appreciate and uplift you, and watch the magic unfold.

But what if you’re in a situation where a day job is necessary to pay the bills? This brings us to our fourth point: make time for your passion. Life is fleeting, and time is a precious resource. Spending it on things that don’t ignite your soul robs you of the impact you could make. Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day, dedicate that time to your passion. Trust me, 10 minutes can be transformative. Engage in activities that boost your confidence, take care of your appearance, and align yourself with your true desires. When you prioritize yourself, you’ll be more inclined to pursue your passion wholeheartedly.

Finally, let’s address opportunity. Opportunities don’t always knock twice, and we need to be aware of the opportunity costs associated with neglecting our passion. Think about all those days when you didn’t invest even 10 minutes into your true calling. Consider the potential opportunities and growth you might have missed out on. You have dreams, desires, and a legacy to leave behind. The only way to preserve that legacy is by living your passion. And you know what, it’s your time now Yeah I’m just giving you permission It’s your time now? do whatever is in your heart The world needs to hear your voice. The world needs to see your perspective and you know what I want to know about you too.

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